Øyvind Søraas Skorge

Øyvind (Ovi) Skorge, Postdoctoral Fellow, Harvard University


Associate Professor of Political Science and Public Policy, Oslo Business School, Oslo Metropolitan University (OsloMet) (2024-)

Associate Professor, Department of Political Science and International Relations, Oslo New University College (ONH) (2020–2024)

Senior Research Fellow, Institute for Social Research, Oslo (2016–)

Post-Doctoral Fellow, Weatherhead Center for International Affairs, Harvard University, and Research Affiliate, Institute for Quantitative Social Science (IQSS), Harvard University (2017-2018)


PhD in Political Science, Department of Government, London School of Economics and Political Science (LSE) (2014-2016)

Master of Research in Political Science, Department of Government, LSE (2013-2014)

Master of Philosophy in Politics, Department of Politics and International Relations and Green Templeton College, University of Oxford (2011-2013)

Visiting student, Institut d’Études Politiques de Lyon (2010-2011)

BA in Political Science, University of Oslo (2007-2010)

Visiting student, Department of Sociology and Department of Political Science, University of California, Berkeley (2009)


Skorge, Øyvind Søraas. 2023. Mobilizing the Underrepresented: Electoral Systems and Gender Inequality in Political Participation. American Journal of Political Science, 67(3): 538-552.

Skorge, Øyvind Søraas and Rasmussen, Magnus B. 2022. Volte-Face on the Welfare State: Social Partners, Knowledge Economies, and the Expansion of Work-Family Policies. Politics & Society, 50(2): 222-254.

Giani, Marco, David Hope, and Øyvind Søraas Skorge. 2022. Household Education Gaps and Gender Role Attitudes. Political Science Research and Methods, 10(4):823-830.

Iversen, Torben, Frances Rosenbluth, and Øyvind Søraas Skorge. 2020. The Dilemma of Gender Equality: How Labor Market Regulation Divides Women by Class. Dædalus, 149(1): 86–99.

Finseraas, Henning, and Øyvind Søraas Skorge. 2019. ‘The Miracle Tablet Maybe’: Legalization of the Pill and Women’s Childbearing and Career Decisions. Social Politics: International Studies in Gender, State & Society 26(2): 276–98.

Rasmussen, Magnus B. and Øyvind Søraas Skorge. 2019. The Business of Change: Employers and Work-Family Policy Reforms. In Business Interests and the Development of the Modern Welfare State, edited by Dennie Oude Nijhuis. London: Routledge.

Skorge, Øyvind Søraas. 2019. “The Demand for Work-Family Policies in Advanced Capitalist Democracies. In Democratic State and Democratic Society: Institutional Change in the Nordic Model, edited by Fredrik Engelstad, Cathrine Holst and Gunnar C. Aakvaag. Berlin: De Gruyter.

Finseraas, Henning, Øyvind Søraas Skorge, and Marte Strøm. 2018. Does Education Affect Immigration Attitudes? Evidence from an Education Reform. Electoral Studies 55: 131–35.


Norwegian Research Council’s Young Research Talents Grant to the project Redefining the Public Sphere: Education Reforms and the Inclusion of Women in Public Participation (REPS), 8 million NOK (945,000 USD). PI: Øyvind Skorge. Project period: 2021-2025.

NORFACE DIAL Network Grant to the project Populism, Inequality and Institutions, 1.5 million EUR. PIs: David Soskice, Anders Björklund, Uta Schönberg, and Henning Finseraas). Project period: 2018-2021.

Norwegian Research Council Grant to the project Immigration and Support for the Welfare State: Local and Institutional Responses (VAM project no. 270687), 8 million NOK. PI: Henning Finseraas. Project period: 2017-2020.

US-Norway Fulbright Foundation Fellowship as a Visiting Scholar at an Accredited US University During 2017/18.

The Baroness Birk Award and Scholarship 2015/16, Department of Government, LSE.

The Harold Laski Prize 2014 for best overall performance on the Master of Research, Department of Government, LSE.

The LSE PhD Scholarship (2013-2017).

Travel Grant for at the 21st International Conference of Europeanists, Council of European Studies at Columbia University, March 15-17, 2014.

Travel Grant for the Graduate Student Conference on Conservative and Center-Right Politics in Developed Democracies, November 14-15, 2013, Minda de Gunzburg Center for European Studies, Harvard University.

The Joint Department of Politics and International Relations and Christ Church College, Oxford, DPhil Studentship (declined).

US-Norway Fulbright Foundation Fellowship for Pursuing a PhD at an Accredited US University (declined).